Friday, January 4, 2008

The World's best hot chocolate

so nice to sip when you have a cat on your lap. Well this treat does not have to be expensive, here is how to make the richest kind, on a budget, so that you can save your money for that expensive catnip.
Take an ordinary size mug and empty two packets of hot cocoa mix into it. Then add hot water to the mid point of the mug. Stir it up completely so no dry crumbs adhere anywhere in the mug. Then add two smidgeons of margarine (one smidgeon is the smallest visible but unmeasureable amount of margarine possible) and, also add at this point: half a capful of imation rum flavoring.
Told you this would be cheap.
Now fill the mug to almost the rim with hot water.
See if this doesn't taste like it cost a million dollars.

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