Monday, January 14, 2008

A good catfood gone bad

My reference here is to Sheba. It was always expensive, but in the past year has lost more than it's standards. Not lost is the cost===they increased the cost, while they reduced the size (from 3.5 ounces to 2.8 ounces), improved the container, deteriorated the quality, and lost me as a customer. I would have put up with most of that crap, but--- the quality is missing now too. No reason to buy it at all, even if, as I would, spring for the increased price if it would allow my cat an adored treat. But now they do not have the quality that once made it a hit at my house. And if some industry execs should read this, I will say that they improved the container. They always understood the pet parent wants a can which is easy to open, no utensils needed. Then when they reduced the quantity in the can, they at least did improve the can--now there is no sharp edge, as there was not before, but the lid is resealable in a clever manner. Before the resealable lid left a gap, now the lid reseals if you are careful so that the air cannot reach the partially used contents. However, what does it matter, since we are certainly not purchasing a product which not only increased the cost, reduced the size (standard ploys of course in the pet food industry) but then reducing the quality of the cat food. Good bye, even littler, Sheba.

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