Saturday, December 8, 2007

Recycling paper

Really one cannot be too thrifty. That nice catnip, the gold kind, that Belizean jaguars rolled around in before it was harvested, that catnip is not cheap, and so we save money to get the good stuff for our kids. Along those lines, it is possible to recycle a lot more paper than most households do. Take paper towels. You may wash your hands frequently just because they are dusty from your cleaning chores. These towels may be saved and reused if they are not really dirty, just damp. Pop them in the refrigerator and then on those (rare no doubt) occasions when ketchup is on the linoleum, pull out one of the crumpled up paper towels from the fridge drawer and clean up thriftily. You will cleanup more than the floor this way. Another thing to do is recycle paper plates if they just have a smidge of butter on them, when you are finished eating, just reuse them, or, they can even be turned over and the bottom side of the paper plate can be flattened out and used again to serve food. Not when the queen is visiting, just when you are eating en famille, on a paperplate, in front of the telly, you and the kids. No reason to be too fancy then, and you get that nice feeling that you are saving money and wasting less environmentally harmful stuff. (Like the clorox in the paper.) The kitties will appreciate you.

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